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Jaydson Gomes
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Tue May 27 2014 07:18:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Practical Workflows for ES6 Modules, Fluent 2014

Guy Bedford gave an awesome talk about a practical workflows with ES6 modules last month at Fluent Conf.
Also, he write up an article about it. If you are interested on this subject, you must read the full article.

"ES6 modules are set to become the future replacement for the AMD and CommonJS module formats. They are defined by the current ES6 Specification and will be implemented in JavaScript engines in the future in both the browser and the server. This article covers a variety of practical workflows for implementing ES6 modules. These approaches are very new, and there will still be edge cases, but these principles provide a path forward towards ES6 for use in both new and existing projects today".

Full article: https://guybedford.com/practical-workflows-for-es6-modules.

You can watch the talk below.

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