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Fabrício S. Matté
Tue Sep 15 2015 04:06:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)

JavaScript iterables and iterators

ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) introduces two new distinct, yet closely related, concepts: iterables and iterators.
Now you will truly learn how important these concepts are and how to make good use of them.


Iterable objects are objects that implement the Iterable interface. That is, iterable objects expose a default iteration method, allowing them to define or customize their iteration behavior.

Let's see some examples:

let iterable = [1, 2, 3];
for (let item of iterable) {
    console.log(item); // 1, 2, 3

let iterable2 = new Set([4, 5, 6]);
for (let item of iterable2) {
    console.log(item); // 4, 5, 6

let iterable3 = '789';
for (let item of iterable3) {
    console.log(item); // '7', '8', '9'

The for-of statement accepts any iterable object, thus providing an uniform iteration syntax to completely distinct data structures by making use of the Iterable interface they implement.

So what exactly is this Iterable interface you speak of?

Any object that contains a [Symbol.iterator] method is an iterable object.
In case you are unfamiliar with symbols, they are objects that can be used as property keys.
Symbol.iterator is a well-known (baked in the language) Symbol, whose primary usage is defining and consuming iterable objects.

In the previous examples, we were implicitly making use of the [Symbol.iterator] method inherited from the given objects' prototypes. Several built-ins such as Array, Set, String and Map define a default iteration behavior, while others such as Object do not.

As previously mentioned, the Iterable interface allows defining and customizing objects' iteration order. For a quick example, we can borrow arrays' default iteration behavior (Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]) to make array-like objects iterable:

let iterable = {
    0: 'a',
    1: 'b',
    2: 'c',
    length: 3,
    [Symbol.iterator]: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]
for (let item of iterable) {
    console.log(item); // 'a', 'b', 'c'

Now you may be wondering: "How do I implement custom iteration behavior?"
As you already know, adding a [Symbol.iterator] method to a given object makes it iterable, but here is the catch: the [Symbol.iterator] method must return an iterator object, which is actually responsible for the iteration logic. We will cover this in the next section.

Before we move on to iterators, let's recap what the Iterable interface is about:

  • It signals that a given object is iterable to consumers (iterable object: "Hey! I have a [Symbol.iterator] method.");
  • It provides a standardized way to iterate any iterable object (iterable object: "Call my [Symbol.iterator] method if you want an iterator that implements my default iteration logic").

The points above may seem slightly redundant if you are familiar with interfaces (Java, C#), but it is worth being clear as this is a new addition to the JavaScript language.

Note that several built-in functions and language constructs that expect a sequence of values accept iterable objects. For instance, Promise.all() accepts any iterable object as argument, not just plain arrays. The same holds true for destructuring assignments ([a, b] = iterable) and yield* iterable.


Iterator objects are objects that implement the Iterator interface. That is, iterator objects must have a next method that returns a result object in the { value: Any, done: Boolean } format. The first call to the next method returns the result of the first iteration (e.g. the item at 0th index in an array). The done property signals when the iterator has been exhausted and no more values are available.

Here is some code to illustrate iterators:

let iterable = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// Explicit "low-level" iterator consumption:
let iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
iterator.next(); // { value: 'a', done: false }
iterator.next(); // { value: 'b', done: false }
iterator.next(); // { value: 'c', done: false }
iterator.next(); // { value: undefined, done: true }

// for-of abstracts away iterator instantiation and consumption:
for (let item of iterable) {
    console.log(item); // 'a', 'b', 'c'

// A crude illustration of for-of's inner workings:
for (let _iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator](), _result, item; _result = _iterator.next(), item = _result.value, !_result.done;) {
    console.log(item); // 'a', 'b', 'c'

Now that we have understanding of iterables and iterators, we can create our own iterable objects and customize their default iteration behavior. Let's implement the iteration behavior for an array-like object from the ground up:

let iterable = {
    0: 'a',
    1: 'b',
    2: 'c',
    length: 3,
    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        let index = 0;
        return {
            next: () => {
                let value = this[index];
                let done = index >= this.length;
                return { value, done };
for (let item of iterable) {
    console.log(item); // 'a', 'b', 'c'

I know, at first this may look very complex and messy, but don't panic. Let's walk through it.

We start by creating a plain object using the object literal syntax. It contains a [Symbol.iterator] method, defined using a combination of the computed properties and shorthand methods ES2015 object literal extensions. This object has a [Symbol.iterator] method, thus it is considered an iterable object.

The [Symbol.iterator] method implements the default iteration logic for the object, that is, it returns an iterator object and holds the state of the given iterator. The object returned by the [Symbol.iterator] method contains a next method, therefore it is considered an iterator object.

The iterator's next method is implemented using an arrow function, so the this inside of it references the same object as the this used for the [Symbol.iterator] method invocation (i.e. the iterable data source).

The return value of the iterator's next method contains the value of the iteration and whether the iterator is done (exhausted). The example above defines those using the shorthand properties syntax, by the way.

From here, you should be able to figure out how everything ties together. The for-of will call the [Symbol.iterator] method on the iterable passed in and iterate over the returned iterator, by calling its next method on every iteration and passing the result's value property to the loop body until the next method's result's done property is true.

Is all this complexity necessary?

In short, yes. I'll address the most common doubts and misconceptions in QA format below.

Q. Why is [Symbol.iterator] a method that returns an iterator? Couldn't it be an iterator?

It is a method that returns an iterator because you may want to iterate over the same data source multiple times, even concurrently:

let iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let iterator1 = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
let iterator2 = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();

iterator1.next(); // { value: 1, done: false }

iterator2.next(); // { value: 1, done: false }
iterator2.next(); // { value: 2, done: false }
iterator2.next(); // { value: 3, done: false }

iterator1.next(); // { value: 2, done: false }

This is a very contrived example, but in practice it is not uncommon to iterate over the same data source concurrently, applying asynchronous processing to each value between iterations. Koa and co are good examples of this, although they use generators which return iterators by being called directly (instead of having a [Symbol.iterator] method).

Q. Why iterators' next method returns a data structure? Couldn't it return just the value?

In the initial iterators design, the next method indeed did only return the value. But then, how would you know when the iterator has been exhausted? It was nothing pretty: the next method would have to throw an error to signal completion. That means all calls to next would have to be wrapped in a try/catch block, which was plainly terrible.

In order to avoid littering iterator consumption code with try/catch everywhere, as well as to avoid a bizarre iterator completion signaling mechanism, we settled with the next method returning an object with value and done properties.

Q. Why does it seem that the last iterator result value is ignored?

When the next method's result has the done property set to true, it means the iterator has been exhausted and can not provide an iteration value. An iterator implementation may set a value property alongside done: true in the iterator result object, but this value then has special meaning: it is treated as a completion value, not an iteration value, and as such is ignored by built-ins that consume iterables such as for-of, Array.from, destructuring and yield*.

Iterators spawned from generators are a clear example of this. The generator's return value is set as the completion value of the iterator result alongside done: true. This completion value is ignored by iterable-consuming built-ins, which only iterate over iteration values (provided via yield inside generators).

Q. Can an iterator implementation's next method take arguments?

Yes, it can! A prime example of this is passing values to inside generators, but we can make use of this in a vanilla iterator implementation as well:

let echoIterator = {
    next(value) {
        return { value, done: false };

echoIterator.next(42); // { value: 42, done: false }

As you can see, there's nothing really special about iterators. But be aware that, so far, there is no way to pass arguments to the next method of an iterator implicitly spawned by iterable-consuming built-ins. That is, for-of, Array.from and such do not provide a way to pass arguments to the next method.

Q. Are infinite iterators valid?

Yes, you can manually advance them by explicitly calling their next method when appropriate. However, you will get an infinite loop if you try to exhaust them, obviously.

Optional iterator methods

Iterators may also implement optional return and throw methods, which are designed for more advanced use cases.

The return method can be used to dispose of resources that the iterator may be holding when closed early. For instance, if the body of the for-of reaches a break or return statement or throws an uncaught error, the for-of would implicitly call the iterator's return method (if it has such method).
Note that my crude for-of reimplementation earlier in this post is incomplete and only illustrates the basic iteration functionality, you can see the complexity of a precise for-of reimplementation on Babel.

The throw method can be used to notify the iterator of an error condition.

Iterable iterators

Let's do a quick recap:

  • The Iterable interface requires the implementation of a [Symbol.iterator] method;
  • The Iterator interface requires the implementation of a next method.

You may have noticed that nothing prevents an object from implementing both Iterable and Iterator interfaces. That's what I call Iterable iterators (you may prefer Iterable Iterator objects, but I find that too verbose).

In fact, most iterators implement the Iterable interface. That is, most of them have a [Symbol.iterator] method, but note that iterators' [Symbol.iterator] method usually returns the iterator itself instead of a new iterator:

let iterable = [1, 2];
let iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
iterator[Symbol.iterator]() === iterator; // true

It is trivial to make an Iterable iterator:

let iterableIterator = {
    next() {/*...*/},
    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return this;

And now you may ask, "How is this useful?"

Well, first consider that a single data source may have multiple iteration behaviors.
Then, consider that iterables can only expose a single default iteration behavior.
Finally, remember that for-of and other iterable consumers take an iterable object and implicitly call its default iteration behavior (the [Symbol.iterator] method) to get an iterator.

Telling an iterable consumer (e.g. for-of) to use a non-default iterator (an iterator other than the one returned by the [Symbol.iterator] method) for a given data source seems like a complex problem at first, right? Well, if you do the math correctly, Iterable iterators are the solution.

By adding a [Symbol.iterator] method to an iterator that simply returns the iterator itself, you are able to pass the iterator directly to an iterable consumer. When the consumer calls the [Symbol.iterator] method, the iterator itself will be returned and the consumer will iterate over it. Simpler than it seems, right?

let arr = ['a', 'b'];
let keysIterator = arr.keys(); // an alternative iterator for the data source
keysIterator[Symbol.iterator]() === keysIterator; // `keysIterator` is an Iterable iterator

// The for-of will implicitly call `keysIterator[Symbol.iterator]()` and get back the `keysIterator`,
// and then iterate over it.
for (let key of keysIterator) {
    console.log(key); // 0, 1 (the array indexes)

// Another example using the entries iterator, which returns `[key, value]` iteration values.
// We can destructure the entries iterator's iteration values for commodity.
for (let [key, value] of arr.entries()) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`); // '0: a', '1: b'


  • You've seen the Array.prototype.keys and Array.prototype.entries methods which return iterators, so you may wondering whether there is an Array.prototype.values method. The ECMAScript 2015 spec. does define an Array.prototype.values method, but browsers are wary of shipping it to the open Web due to potential breakage ([1], [2]). Either way, Array.prototype.values would simply be a reference to Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], both would point to the same method so Array.prototype.values is not very important at all.

  • It is possible to pass a partially consumed Iterable iterator to an iterable consumer to have it finish exhausting it:

    let iterator = [1, 2, 3, 4][Symbol.iterator]();
    for (let item of iterator) {
      console.log(item); // 3, 4

    This happens because the Iterable iterator's [Symbol.iterator] method returns itself instead of a new iterator, as previously mentioned.

Rounding it up

Woah! You've managed to make it this far, congratulations! Now, hopefully you have a better understanding of iterables and iterators.

Let's do a quick recap:

  • The Iterable interface provides a standardized way to iterate any iterable object (a [Symbol.iterator] method that returns an iterator);
  • The Iterator interface allows objects to implement custom iteration logic (a next method that returns a { value, done } object, and optional return and throw methods);
  • Any object can implement the Iterable and/or Iterator interfaces;
  • Iterators often implement the Iterable interface, which enables them to be fed to iterable consumers;
  • The iterator completion value (when done: true) is usually ignored by iterable consumers;
  • Several built-ins that you usually feed arrays to actually accept any iterable object (for-of, Array.from, yield*, [a, b, ...rest] = iterable);
  • If you maintain an API that accepts arrays as argument, please consider supporting iterables: it is as simple as calling Array.from(arg) to turn any iterable argument into a true array.

So, I guess that's finally it. We reached the end of the line. You may be wondering what you will do with your life now, but I'm not sure whether I can answer this question. Perhaps you want to read about Generators now? :)

And as always, if you can improve this article, please visit the JS Rocks repository and do so. I'll be glad to discuss and review improvements!

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